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Thursday, August 20, 2009
8:18 AM

[#1] Teachers' Day Rehearsal was totally like shit. Seriously. Thanks to Someone my mood bloody change in a second. What give her the rights to scold people? Think everything I do need go through her permission mehs? Act bigger than Mdm Sumarni only. Such a nuisance. Don't act like a boot licker in front of Mdm Sumarni alright. Because she already now about it. So no point acting innocent.

[#2] Sometimes, somethings are unavoidable. Sometimes, somethings are unforgettable. And Sometimes, somethings are unpredictable. It all makes sense but why must it be true? Why can't I run away from problem? Why can't I avoid her? Just Why? You run through my mind when i tried to concentrate. You make me feel I'm of no importance for you. You make me Crazy for You. OhMyGod! Just Why? I feel like piercing my heart with a Pen right now. Or maybe there is only one way out. The rough way out to solve my problem. The only way to solve my problem.



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layout: beautifulstarz
image: photobucket