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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
6:39 AM

School as per normal. Was totally distracted to whole day. Had all 3 Sciences in one day. Gosh, who could i even digest all the information there. Hell tough doing that. Moreover, the day ended disastrously. The class got a scolding from Mrs Foo. All thanks to 'LonelyNerd' which cause all the trouble. Thinking that he was good, he pushed the blame to others. What a "GreatGuy" he is. Can't even believe that I'm the same class as him. So what if your marks in the report card is great and presentable? With that kind of stinking attitude, you are just a rotten apple. So get a life or maybe a MORE CHEERFUL LIFE! End of stinking sentence about LonelyNerd. After Social Studies, waited for my dad to drive me home cause i was super lazy to bus home. Reached home about 6.20? Attempted biology homework but to disappointment, i still can't get it.

Went to Ngee Ann polytechnic for Maths Proficiency Test. It was part of their Maths Carnival i assume. I was in the E-Maths group and was totally stunned about my result. I obtain a Band 4 for Graph. What The Hell! was so badly done. But overall, i obtained a Band 6, which i guess AWESOME. Expected a 5 though. Went back with Dawn and Home straight.

Went to school to attend the English Supplementary Lesson. Learn numerous of stuff. After that, we stayed in school and studied till 12.30pm with Yuli, Nissa, Dawn and HuiXing. Aftermath, we went to YewTee Food Court and tried out the new Thai SteamBoat. Was quite alright. Should head there and give it a try. No joke. Then studied at MacDonald till 3 plus and went home.

Tough day in school. Early in the morning, Sister sms-ed and told me to bring thumbdrive to school. Reason being, it was her English Oral. I gotta look up and down in the end, i need to borrow cousin's one. Tough luck on finding my stuff. Ms Lim wasn't present today. Lesson was totally flipped upside down. Some IDIOTIC Laughter unleashed by LonelyNerd could be super disturbing. Another is that how i wish i could gouged his bloody eye out to make him stop staring in a lustful way. Physics was way too cool. A birthday Big Party was held in class. Well, went smoothly though. Time fly to Lunch. Ate lunch at around 4+pm which was also my Dinner. Ate with Gabriel and Jeremy. Total craziness there. Then homed and here i am. Blogging.

-Yuli: It Simply means that you sue will late(: No need to doubt at all. Haha.
>WanLin: Will link up soon. And, I won't have so much time to spam your blog. Spam Your blog also not much of the use. Ok!

Monday, September 21, 2009
4:50 AM

Back from studying. Meet Yuli and Leonda at cck control station. As expected, they were late. Never mind, cause i'm used to it already. Went to Food Junction for lunch. Afterward, walked around Lot 1 and then headed to Library. Got bloody warning by the slutty librarian. So after so thorough discussion, we decided to head to Limbang. Went to mac and studied. Minutes later, Yuli's friend came. Spend hours studying there together. Then they went outside a shop played some stupid games. In the end, Yuli earned a Bouncing Ball after spending $1.00+. Headed home aftermath.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
8:04 PM

Reenacting the habit of watching Taiwan series again. Maybe it's just it. A leopard never changes its spot. I have yet to finish any of my homework yet which is supposedly due tomorrow. Chemistry and Physics. How great can that be? But never mind because i am going out soon with Yuli and Leonda to the library to study later. Aren't i a genius? Hoho! Now, i am busy with something. Not about studying for examinations but scheduling the activities after examinations. Going out soon. So goodbye. Will post again later when i come back.

6:37 AM

It have been awhile since i have updated. Well, it is due to emotion instability problem. But i guess, i am back to normal. Have been engaging to Fackbook and Getamped nowadays. And examinations are nearing. Gotta start mugging. First October will be the start of exams and will end at thirteen October i assume.

Well, there is nothing much to add on. I'm gonna go out tomorrow ^^
Have a GoodNight(:


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