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Thursday, October 1, 2009
6:18 AM

English Paper was on TODAY! Totally nervous cause English is always pulling me down. For paper 1, didn't manage to finish? Left 3-5 sentence to finish it. Dammit. Spent too much time planning for free writing. Worse still, i chose question 2 which is Acceptance. I couldn't really figure out whether it is a difficult topic or not. As for paper 2, the summary was disastrous i got so many unsure points and at first, word count hit up to 173? WhatTheF. Then after MUCH amendments, its was down to 155? Hope it is acceptable. Went to Lot 1 and lunch with Jeremy, Hafiz and Gabriel. Then nonsense start to rule the whole conversation. Aftermath, bus-ed home.

LonelyNerd, a phrase that suit you: 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉

you are my wildest imagination. you are my book of knowledge. you are my everything.
though you might know nothing now, but you will get something later.
and i believe that the glimpse of hope it is there.
it may look simple but it speaks my thousand words to you.
&all i want to say is, iloveyou


A Picture paints a thousand words.




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layout: beautifulstarz
image: photobucket